Problem and Solution
Visual Mockup
Full Development
This project is to embed interactive quizzes into institutional videos that introduce business skills for business owners. Viewers are guided to watch the video and answer the quiz to acquire the needed knowledge to run a successful business.
Audience: Entrepreneur who wants to acquire basic knowledge to run an online business.
Responsibilities: Instructional design, Content Creation, Gamification
Tools Used: Adobe Storyline
In a constantly evolving environment, business owners who commit to learning new skills will be better able to adapt to change and keep their business going in challenging conditions. Providing a course with related business knowledge would help business owners to adopt a ‘growth mindset’ in an engaging way — believing that their basic abilities are not fixed, and committing to learning and developing over time.
I consulted with the stakeholder and we agreed that embedding interactive quizzes in the videos would be ideal for engaging and motivating the learners to complete the whole business course. I then designed and developed all the quizzes in Storyline, set a visual style and tone of voice, build and test an interactive prototype, and then develop the end product.
After watching the given videos, I organized the appropriate question types in a Google Doc, like matching, multiple choices, drag and drop, and more. I then created questions and answers based on different videos, and prepared at least three questions from each video. We, in the end, picked one question from each video.
I use Articulate Storyline to create quiz templates including matching, multiple choices, filling in blanks, etc…I chose to use corresponding video scenes as backgrounds in quiz templates since it maintains the consistency between the video and quiz. After the initial iteration, I elicited feedback from the stakeholder to identify areas for improvement. I made changes accordingly, which included reducing information density, and improving color contrast.
I added the questions and answers in the templates created before. I then checked the layers, triggers, and overall interactions to make sure the project functions well.
Some feedback given was that visual contrast in some areas could be stronger, and the presentation was too static. There were also a few typing errors, and calculations sometimes did not display accurately. I responded by adding bold strokes to message boxes, incorporating several brief animations to create a more dynamic feel, and correcting the typing and technical errors.
After making the adjustments, I embed the quizzes into the given video and published the course, and tested it for errors by going through all possible pathways on both desktop and mobile devices.
Gamifying learning helps in developing an enhanced learning experience. The designer-friendly and user-friendly templates of Articulate Storyline make it easy to make game-based training a reality. I became more familiar with how to personalize experiences, how to use feedback to build knowledge even when a learner answers incorrectly, and how to create believable situations for learners to apply acquired skills. These are all lessons that I continue to apply to my current work.